Your Library Card
Library cards will be issued to all patrons at no charge. Children attending George Ward Elementary School will be issued a library card upon receipt of a Parental Permission Slip that is sent out at the beginning of each school year. They will not be given the Keychain Card attached to the regular patron card. These students’ cards will be kept at the Library to be used during classroom visits. The regular part of the card will be sent with the teacher to send home. The cards will be available for after school hours as well. Upon leaving George Ward School, the students will receive the Keychain Card. Children without library cards and who are not accompanied by an adult or guardian may borrow 1 item if they can verify their address and/or phone number. Library cards should always be presented when borrowing materials. Materials may be checked out without the library card if the patron is a regular user of the Library and is known to staff. The library reserves the right to refuse service to those without sufficient identification. The patron is responsible for all items checked out on his/her card. For this reason, it is strongly recommended the card should not be loaned to anyone.
The Library has established various loan periods:
- Books and Audios – 28 days
- Videos – 7 days
- Magazines do not circulate.
The Library is not responsible for any damages caused by a defective video or audio to the patron’s A/V equipment while on loan.
Books may be renewed 3 times. Items having ON HOLD status may not be renewed. The patron may add his/her name to the HOLDS list for future loan. Videos may be renewed 1 time. Renewals may be made by phone.
Fines will not be assessed.
Borrowers will be allowed to accumulate fees to a set point, but will then be blocked from borrowing materials until fees for replacements are paid.
Borrowers will be notified by phone and then followed up by letter when item becomes excessively overdue. If materials are not returned within 40 days of the due the borrower will receive another letter and is considered in violation of the West Virginia Code Section 10-1-11.
Borrowing privileges will be suspended until items are returned or replacement costs are paid. The Randolph County Sheriff’s Department may be called to retrieve the items and/or arrest or fine the violator.
Charges for damage will vary with the extent of the damages and could range from $1.00 to replacement cost. Charge will be at the discretion of the Director.
Patrons who have lost materials will be charged the full retail price; accrued fines will not be accessed. Should any lost materials be found and returned within 10 days and is in good condition one half the replacement cost will be refunded. This charge will not be made to persons who have lost the items in a house fire or natural disaster.
The Library will accept gifts of books and other print and non-print materials to be added to the collection with the understanding they meet the same standards as purchased materials. No conditions may be imposed on the Library relation to the donated books or materials after they have been accepted by the Library, and all donated items shall become the exclusive property of donated items and dispose of gifts not suitable for library use. The Library does not have staff with the expertise to value any donated materials and , therefore, can only acknowledge the fact that items were donated with the assigning of values.
Donations given to the Library for purchases of memorial books or honor books are welcomed. Unless titles are specified, most purchases are made in non-fiction. A donor may suggest the subject field in which the book will be located.